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My newest little pirate
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 09-04-2008 03:05 PM   Subject: My newest little pirate
Replies: 1
Views: 7588

photobucket sucks!!!!!

let this be a lesson to everyone not here..

PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 08-16-2007 05:45 AM   Subject: jeesh..
Replies: 3
Views: 14145

am i all alone in this desolate board? the only survivor?

i know now that i am the outcast.. i am the rebel... normality is beyond my grasp..

i am legend

let there be informal oblique love that's there for only me
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 06-03-2007 02:33 AM   Subject: let there be informal oblique love that's there for only me
Replies: 0
Views: 9942

Hey sweetness..

I miss whoever reads this.

There are other things in this life besides mailbox heads.

Coorespondence is required for my sanity to sit still in a sandwich of dreams.

PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 06-28-2006 09:15 PM   Subject: YAY!!
Replies: 3
Views: 14248

See? Again I'm breaking those milestones..

I'm so awesome it blinds me from my faults.

PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 01-28-2006 08:13 PM   Subject: YAY!!
Replies: 3
Views: 14248

thanks man! and you're wrong again!!

PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 01-12-2006 11:20 AM   Subject: YAY!!
Replies: 3
Views: 14248

I feel like I've grown up with you guys..

all i can say is,... wow.. i've never been ignored this much in my entire life!

well.. first post of 2006..

that's what i'm all about.. i set miles ...

Come on you bastards!!
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 07-16-2005 05:29 AM   Subject: Come on you bastards!!
Replies: 2
Views: 12624

well duhh..

it's supposed to be funny..

get it?

hey shn, make me a sig
PostForum: Sigs And Avatars   Posted: 07-03-2005 06:31 AM   Subject: hey shn, make me a sig
Replies: 24
Views: 38859

i just wanted to bump this topic, because it's so important.. also i didn't want it to get lost in the flood of posts..

Come on you bastards!!
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 07-03-2005 06:20 AM   Subject: Come on you bastards!!
Replies: 2
Views: 12624

why is nobody responding to me?!?!

whats going on here?!?

i say you make me a moderator.. i'll clean up the poop in here!!

some fuckered up shit
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 03-27-2005 05:12 PM   Subject: some fuckered up shit
Replies: 3
Views: 14600


What the fuck!!??? jesus christ almighty...

btw: thanks for letting me see that...

German Satanists 'ate babies'
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 01-05-2005 11:28 PM   Subject: German Satanists 'ate babies'
Replies: 6
Views: 17191

i don't know why everybody is making a big deal out of eating babies.. i do it all the time..

they taste sorta like chicken, unless you get an asian one.. they taste like shrimp fried rice...

Hunt for older members ?
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 12-18-2004 08:21 PM   Subject: Hunt for older members ?
Replies: 48
Views: 91133

did anybody ever bother searching for me??

what does your religion think about maturbation?
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 12-18-2004 08:14 PM   Subject: what does your religion think about maturbation?
Replies: 1
Views: 10306

mr religion says that jacking off is ok, but its NOT OK to jack off pets..

4 more years
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 12-18-2004 04:44 AM   Subject: 4 more years
Replies: 4
Views: 16881

think about it Shn.. can we really?

....can we?

Chan info
PostForum: >>>>>>>>>> TALK GOES HERE <<<<<<<<<<   Posted: 11-26-2004 02:13 AM   Subject: Chan info
Replies: 11
Views: 18930

i went on #mind-control.. it was like.. i was in a room with PLSD and SHN... everything was fine, until I realized that Shn and PLSD were naked and making out..

whats up with that?!
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