Books Shn has read in 2005

This one sucks, I want to select another file !

Elements : 50

1Behm marccrabeFR
2Behm marcmortelle randonnéeFR
3Beigbeder frédéricwindows on the worldFR
4Brautigan richardun privé à babylone (dreaming of babylon)FR
5Brautigan richardla vengeance de la pelouse (revenge of the lawn)FR
6Brautigan richardtokyo-montana expressFR
7Brautigan richarda confederate general from big surENG
8Brautigan richardthe hawkline monsterENG
9Brautigan richardtrout fishing in americaENG
10Bukowski charlessouth of no northENG
11Bukowski charlesburning in water, drowning in flame: selected poems 1955-1973ENG
12Bukowski charleslove is a dog from hellENG
13Bukowski charleshot water musicENG
14Coe jonathanthe rotters' clubENG
15Coe jonathanthe closed circleENG
16Despentes virginieteen spiritFR
17Ellis bret eastonmoins que zéroFR
18Ellis bret eastonlunar parkENG
19Fante danla tête hors de l'eauFR
20Fante john1933 was a bad yearENG
21Fante johnwait until spring, bandiniENG
22Fante johnthe road to los angelesENG
23Fante johnask the dustENG
24Fante johndreams from bunker hillENG
25Fante johnfull of lifeENG
26Fante johnthe brotherhood of the grapeENG
27Fante johnthe wine of youth : selected storiesENG
28Fante johnwest of romeENG
29Fante johnthe big hunger - stories 1932-1959ENG
30Fuentes carlosl'instinct d'InezFR
31Guinzburg michaelThe plumber of soulsENG
32Melvins, Theneither here nor thereENG
33Meyer EricCSSFR
34Nogier jean-françoisergonomie du logiciel et design webFR
35Nothomb amélieacide sulfuriqueFR
36Orwell georgeanimal farmENG
37Orwell georgedown and out in paris and londonENG
38Orwell george1984ENG
39Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François marquis dedialogue entre un prêtre et un moribondFR
40Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François marquis deles crimes de l'amourFR
41Sagan françoiseBonjour tristesseFR
42Sagan françoiseaimez-vous brahms…FR
43Sagan françoiseavec mon meilleur souvenirFR
44Sagan françoiseun chagrin de passageFR
45Sagan françoisederrière l'épauleFR
46Sartre jean-paulNaissance d'un chefFR
47Vargas fredpars vite et reviens tardFR
48Vargas fredl'homme aux cercles bleusFR
49Vargas freddebout les mortsFR
50Werber bernardnous, les dieux - 1. l'île des sortilègesFR

All the PHP, HTML and CSS code for this simple csv parsing thingy were written by myself (Shn). The javascript table sorting part was taken from kryogenix's site for free thanks to the MIT license.